The V-League is our fun monthly bouldering league that will be taking place from March - May
3 rounds set on the comp wall each month with prizes for best scores over the 3 rounds.
As part of our monthly Comp wall set, there will be 20 problems set and tagged for you to try. You will have 1 week to try and climb these, and scores will be awarded in the 1000 - 1 points system.
How does the scoring work?
Each climb is worth 1000 points with a 10% bonus if you flash the climb (do it first go), however the number of points available is divided by the amount of people who top that climb. So if you are the only 1 to top it you take 1000 points, if 10 people do it then you only get 100!
You can have as many goes at the problems as you want, and scoring will be via the Griptonite app.
Prizes will be awarded at the end of the 3 rounds.
No purchase needed, just register for the round via the Griptonite app.
Round 1
5th - 12th March
Round 2
2nd - 9th April
Round 3
7th - 14th May